Colored Gemstone Engagement Rings

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Today’s brides are in search for an engagement ring that reflects their own style. While diamond engagement rings still reign in popularity, current bridal trends are drifting away from the traditional solitaire on a simple band. More and more, 2015 couples are choosing colored gemstone center stones or accent stones for their engagement ring. Colored gemstone engagement rings are fun, unique and can represent birthstones and other important meanings.

Forevermark Color Engagement

A favorite of celebrity and royal brides, yellow diamonds are a popular choice with their intense sunny color and radiant sparkle.

Blue Sapphire Engagement Ring

Blue sapphires represent loyalty and devotion. The sapphire is also September’s birthstone and can be found in a range of colors, from the well-known deep blue to more rare pink, yellow and purple shades.

Rubies symbolize love, passion and courage and make a beautiful center or side stone option. For those born in July, ruby is the month’s birthstone.